
Automate your return process

Did you know that 68% of European shoppers check the return policy before making their purchase? Make sure your customers are confident in yours, with Sendcloud’s automated return portal, paid returns, and other returns features.

Sendcloud provides you with all the tools you need to make the return process hassle-free for your customers. You can create returns from any country in the world and ship them back home using a huge variety of dependable return shipping methods. You can customise your return process to fit your needs by creating returns via one of the three easy-to-use methods below.

Return APIs

Easily and efficiently create returns, even if the outgoing parcel was not shipped by Sendcloud. The Return API endpoints support international returns and customs documentation, and gives you the ability to quickly look up which shipping method is most appropriate for your return. q

Return Portal APIs

Build your own branded return portal via the API, or customise the portal through the Sendcloud panel. Once your return portal is live, you and your customers can use it to easily lookup outgoing shipments, select items to return and download the return label.

Shipping APIs

You can create return parcels the same way as you Create a parcel via the API, by setting the is_return flag to true and providing a from_* address and a return shipping method.

If you prefer to process your orders from the Sendcloud panel, you can find supplementary guides on Creating returns, Processing returns and Creating international returns our Help Center.
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